Date: 11/28/04 Still think you're free ? Still think all you have to do is vote the incumbent out of office and everything will automatically return to 'normal' ? It's too late ! Protesting, voting, or - laughably - letters to the editor won't change anything! Look at the corporate info I found at the Delaware Secretary of State website at: Here is just a short listing, and there are probably many more in other states that we have not yet found:
Uh, ohhh...
Double, uh, ohhh...
Keep in mind - these are just the listings I could find. For example, I tracked down the Bureau of Engraving and Printing - in the state of Texas (foreign corp from the District of Columbia). This means, as 'citizens,' we are assets of the corporation. It doesn't matter who is in office, the board of directors and the shareholders own and run the country - just as in any other corporation. Roosevelt's quote has an entirely different meaning now:
The thing to find out, and I'm hoping the corporate records will show, is who are the shareholders? Who profits - for example - from the 'private, for-profit, corporate CIA' or the 'private, for-profit, corporate IRS' or the 'private, for-profit Social Security' - that those in charge are now telling us is 'broke.' Who is on the board of directors of 'UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC.' Ask anyone you know if they are aware of this. Call your congressman's office and ask them. Why doesn't anyone know? Why isn't this casually mentioned in the news? 'The Board of Directors of the United States of America, Inc., today ruled........' 'The Board of Directors of the Social Security........' 'Today, the Central Intelligence Authority filed as a private for-profit corporation.' Why do those in charge never mention this ? Why, searching on any search engine, doesn't this information come up ? Because we're being lied to ! Ever wonder why those who fight the IRS are not allowed to bring up their Constitutional Rights in tax court ? Constitutional Rights do not apply in an equity court. Contract law supersedes individual and Constitutional Rights. Corporate law is a totally different animal from common law. Ask any corporate attorney ! You've inadvertently signed contracts with this bastard entity posing as the 'free' United States of America - when you registered to vote, when you applied for a checking account (at a Federal Reserve corp bank - look at your signature card, it states you will comply with all rulings from the Secretary of the Treasury), when you applied for a social security card..... Ever look at the trust corporations (such as the RESOLUTION TRUST CORP (RTC) associated with the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC.? Trust - a fiduciary relationship in which one party holds legal title to another's property for the benefit of a party who holds equitable title to the property. Who holds the equitable title? Ever notice property deeds state 'tenant' when referring to the supposed owner ? We are ruled by fictitious entities - corporations are fictions. We have been lied to, our entire lives, that we are free ! The United States is owned, lock, stock, and barrel, each of us as citizens of the United States is owned. The question to which I want the answer is: Who owns us ?
Another U.S. Corporation - U.S. Treasury If you didn't follow our contributed piece last week on how major U.S. government agencies are being set up as corporations, you want to be sure to click over to below link and read up. Then, read this from our intrepid researcher:
Yes, we are planning to write a couple of simple emails. Maybe I'm dumb, but why are all the major government agencies set up as corporations ? ? ? One email will go to the Secretary of State of Delaware asking how and WHY it is that all these agencies are taking out corporate personas - isn't the beloved Constitution good enough for the dweebs in charge any more? And for the agents (for whom service is permitted) what about a letter asking for a)corporate minutes as a shareholder, and b) a request for notification of the annual shareholders meeting as required by Delaware law ? And, they say, Matrix ? Yeah, right ! |