[Model] APPLICATION FOR SUBPOENAS DUCES TECUM Now come Dan Leslie, Meador (Plaintiff), a Citizen and qualified Elector of Oklahoma, one of the several States party to the Constitution of the United States, a non-citizen national of the geographical United States, as defined at 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(22)(B), and nonresident alien of the geographical United States, as the term "United States" is defined at 20 CFR, Part 404.2(c )(6) and 26 CFR, Part 3121(e)-1(b). Plaintiff seeks certain documentation, or in the alternative, confession that documentation does not exist. Plaintiff alleges that United States jurisdiction and other matters addressed in his complaints and pleadings must be objectively proven when challenged. In order for Defendants to demonstrate United States jurisdiction and authority, they must produce most information Plaintiff seeks by subpoenas duces tecum into record, anyway, so securing documentation or confessions will simplify matters for Defendants, and will resolve considerable controversy pertaining to authority of the Internal Revenue Service, the character, operation, and jurisdiction of United States District Courts situated in the Union of several States party to the Constitution of the United States, et al. Plaintiffs alleges that the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution assures him the opportunity to examine the documentation requested in this application for subpoenas duces tecum as the documentation, or lack of it, is essential to determining what Plaintiff alleges and believes amounts to a conspiracy to defeat the Constitution of the United States, over- run sovereignty of the several States party to the Constitution, and impose general servitude on the American people. The law, as demonstrated in Plaintiff's complaints and pleadings, has been unraveled to the point there is no longer need for constructive arguments. Therefore, Plaintiff respectfully requests that the following documentation be secured by issue of subpoenas duces tecum to the following: Model Application for Subpoena Duces Tecum: Page 1 of 18 I. Stephen C. Lewis, United States Attorney, Northern District of Oklahoma A subpoena duces tecum should be issued to Stephen C. Lewis, the United States Attorney for the Northern District of Oklahoma, to produce the following documents into record: 1. A certified copy of the application for arrest and extradition of Plaintiff, Dan Meador, from the State of Oklahoma, said application in compliance with the Uniform Criminal Extradition Act (Title 22, Sections 1141.1 et seq., of the Oklahoma Statutes), with particulars specified at 22 O.S. § 1141.3. The said application should reflect the State for which the application was made (i.e., Puerto Rico, 34 L.P.R.A. §§ 1881 to 1881bb), the basis for allegations that Plaintiff was in the affected State at the time said alleged crime was committed, and other particulars specified in the statute. (see also, 18 U.S.C. §§ 3041, et seq. & 3182, et seq.) The application should also bear the signature of the executive authority of the State or Territory of the United States where the alleged offense was committed, or in the alternative, the signature of the commandant of the Coast Guard if such offense allegedly transpired in United States maritime jurisdiction. (33 CFR, Part 1.07; see crimes, Part 1.07 Appendix) 2. A properly executed warrant issued by the Governor of Oklahoma, per 22 O.S. § 1141.7. 3. Evidence that Plaintiff was afforded due process of law prior to extradition, per 22 O.S. § 1141.10, which stipulates that the person who is to be extradited has the opportunity to secure counsel, have an extradition hearing, and, if desired, file an application for writ of habeas corpus against extradition. 4. A certified copy of the affidavit of complaint underlying grand jury indictments for Case No. #96-CR-082-C (UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. KENNEY F. MOORE, et al.), prosecuted in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma. 5. A certified copy of the affidavit of complaint underlying grand jury indictments for Case No. #96-CR-113-C (UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. DAN LESLIE MEADOR), prosecuted in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma. Model Application for Subpoena Duces Tecum: Page 2 of 18 II. Chief Disclosure Officer, United States Department of Justice The Chief Disclosure Officer for the United States Department of Justice should be ordered by subpoena duces tecum to produce into evidence certified copies of the following: 1. The Constitution of the United States, at Article I § 8.15 & Article IV § 4, delegates authority for Congress to call up the militia to repel invasion or put down civil uprising in the several States party to the Constitution. Provide documentation of a constitutional provision authorizing the United States to exercise general municipal police powers in the several States party to the Constitution, via civil enforcement agencies and agencies of foreign entities such as the Department of the Treasury, Puerto Rico, and a certified copy of the law, in compliance with 4 U.S.C. § 72, which authorizes Department of Justice general municipal powers (police powers) extended throughout the Union of several States party to the Constitution of the United States for prosecution of crimes other than those specified in the Constitution and applicable Amendments, as cited above. Model Application for Subpoena Duces Tecum: Page 3 of 18 2. A certified copy of the Executive Order, properly published in the Federal Register, per requirements of 3 U.S.C. § 301, which authorizes the Attorney General of the United States to exercise general police powers in Union of several States party to the Constitution. 3. A properly executed delegation of authority which extends authority of the Department of Justice Criminal Division (28 CFR, Part 0.55), and/or the Tax Division (28 CFR, Part 0.70), to exercise of general police powers within the several States party to the Constitution other than on Federal enclaves under United States jurisdiction (18 U.S.C. § 7(3), secured in compliance with provisions of 40 U.S.C. § 255 and State cession laws (80 O.S. §§ 1, 2 & 3)). 4. A properly executed delegation of authority which extends general municipal authority of the United States Attorney and assistants for the various judicial districts established in the several States party to the Constitution (28 U.S.C. § 81 et seq.) beyond United States jurisdiction in the several States as specified at 18 U.S.C. § 7(3), with jurisdiction secured in compliance with provisions of 40 U.S.C. § 255 and State cession laws (80 O.S. §§ 1, 2 & 3). Model Application for Subpoena Duces Tecum: Page 4 of 18 5. Statutory authority for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (28 U.S.C. § 531), which is an administrative department in the Department of Justice (not created by Congress; no charter in the Library of Congress, see 28 U.S.C. § 531 historical notes), to investigate, arrest, bring charges against, or otherwise disturb people living in the several States party to the Constitution, other than officers and employees of United States Government, as specified at 28 U.S.C. § 535, and other than in United States jurisdiction defined at 18 U.S.C. § 7(3). 6. Statutory authority, the Executive Order (3 U.S.C. § 301), and the Attorney General delegation of authority (44 U.S.C. § 1505), which authorizes officers in the U.S. Marshal Service to serve summonses and execute warrants in the several States party to the Constitution save in United States jurisdiction specified at 18 U.S.C. § 7(3), secured in accordance with provisions of 40 U.S.C. § 255. (reference territorial limitations at Rule 4(d)(2); definition of "Local Law Enforcement Agencies" at 28 CFR, Part 60.3(b)) 7. Documentation of authority by which warrants and summonses issued from an Article IV United States District Court (28 U.S.C. § 132) may be executed or served beyond United States jurisdiction in the several States party to the Constitution as defined at 18 U.S.C. § 7(3) (see also, Rule 4(d)(2) for territorial bounds). Model Application for Subpoena Duces Tecum: Page 5 of 18 8. In accordance with provisions of 40 U.S.C. § 255, provide verification that the United States has secured general jurisdiction over privately and/or State, county or city-owned real property in the counties of Washington, Kay, and Tulsa, all being within the territorial borders of Oklahoma state. In the alternative, provide documentation to verify where precisely in the three Oklahoma counties named above, other than Native American Indian reservations and military installations, the United States has secured exclusive or concurrent jurisdiction in compliance with 40 U.S.C. § 255 and Oklahoma cession laws, Sections 1, 2 & 3 of Title 80, Oklahoma Statutes. 9. The Constitution of the United States, at Art. I § 8.6, stipulates that Congress may prescribe punishment for counterfeiting securities and current coin of the United States; at Article III § 3.2, the Constitution delegates authority for Congress to prescribe punishment for treason; and in various Amendments promulgated since 1868, the Constitution delegates authority for Congress to secure and protect civil rights and voting rights of citizens of the United States. Provide certification of constitutionally delegated authority for the United States to prosecute crimes other than those specified above where such crime is allegedly committed in one of the several States party to the Constitution other than in United States jurisdiction as specified at Article I § 8.17 of the Constitution and is otherwise defined at 18 U.S.C. § 7(3). Model Application for Subpoena Duces Tecum: Page 6 of 18 10. Provide documentation which identifies and discloses the principal of interest, the "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA". Titles 18 & 28 of the United States Code, and the Internal Revenue Code at § 7402, authorize the "United States" as plaintiff or defendant under laws of the United States. The "United States of America, ss, President of the United States", is the principal of interest in United States courts in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands (Title 48 of the United States Code, Territories and Insular Possessions), and serves as nominee for the "Central Authority" or "Competent Authority" (28 CFR, Parts 0.9 & 0.64-1), but the "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" has no authority vested by the Constitution of the United States, or laws of the United States other than those applicable to United States off-shore territories subject to Congress' Article IV § 3.2 municipal authority. Therefore, the "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" of necessity must be identified, and authority in the Union of several States party to the Constitution, by way of appropriate documentation. 11. Provide a certified copy of significant legislative regulations published in the Federal Register in accordance with requirements of 44 U.S.C. § 1505 which authorize prosecution of 18 U.S.C. §§ 2, 371, 1341, 1503 & 1504, and 26 UCS § 7212 in the Union of several States party to the Constitution of the United States in Article IV United States District Courts. 12. Provide a properly executed delegation of authority which authorizes attorneys in the office of the United States Attorney to bring suit for state qualified tax under provisions of 5 U.S.C. § 5516. 13. Provide a properly executed delegation of authority which authorizes attorneys in the office of the United States Attorney to prosecute criminal actions arising from collection of state qualified tax, said prosecution arising from 5 U.S.C. §§ 5512 & 5517 authority. 14. Provide documentation which specifies any "person" other than an officer of employee of a United States department or agency or an officer of a United States corporation who is subject to Federal civil collection or criminal prosecution under authority of 5 U.S.C. §§ 5512, 5517 & 5520. 15. Provide a certified copy of a delegation of authority which authorizes attorneys in the office of the United States Attorney to carry out the functions of the "Solicitor of the Treasury", now vested in the Attorney General, as prescribed at 5 U.S.C. § 5512(b). Model Application for Subpoena Duces Tecum: Page 7 of 18 III. Department of the Treasury A subpoena duces tecum should be issued to the Chief Disclosure Officer for the national office of the Department of the Treasury, Washington, D.C., to produce certified copies of the following: 1. Provide a copy of law, as required at 4 U.S.C. § 72 & 31 U.S.C. § 301, which authorizes the Department of the Treasury to exercise general enforcement authority in the several States party to the Constitution of the United States beyond United States jurisdiction, as specified at 18 U.S.C. § 7(3). 2. Provide a certified copy of an Executive Order, effected in compliance with 3 U.S.C. § 301, which applies to internal revenue laws (customs laws) or excise taxes (Subtitles A & C), authorizing the Secretary to establish revenue districts in the several States party to the Constitution, with said Order specifically extending beyond United States jurisdiction within the several States party to the Constitution, as defined at 18 U.S.C. § 7(3). 3. A delegation of authority which authorizes the Department of the Treasury or any component of the Department of the Treasury, as defined at 31 CFR, Parts 1 & 2, to carry out the functions of the General Accounting Office vested at 5 U.S.C. §§ 5511 & 5512 under provisions of 5 U.S.C. §§ 5512(b). 4. An Executive Order delegation of authority to the Secretary of the Treasury which authorizes the Secretary, or any component of the Department of the Treasury, as defined at 31 CFR, Parts 1 & 2, rather than the Office of Personnel Management, to approve regulations promulgated by agency heads for collection of employee indebtedness under provisions of 5 U.S.C. § 5514 (see E.O. # 11609, Sec. 8(1)). Model Application for Subpoena Duces Tecum: Page 8 of 18 IV. Internal Revenue Service National Office A subpoena duces tecum should be issued to the Chief Disclosure Officer for Internal Revenue Service, at the Service's national headquarters in Washington, D.C., ordering said Disclosure Officer to provide certified copies of the following: 1. A copy or copies of the master contract, or master contracts, if more than one, which specify the scope of services the Internal Revenue Service is contracted to provide United States Government. For example, such master contracts may stipulate that the Internal Revenue Service is authorized to develop and maintain information-gathering systems, and provide record-keeping services for the Treasury of the United States, or in the alternative, said contract or contracts may be executed with the Federal Reserve System in the Fed's capacity as fiscal agent of the United States. Model Application for Subpoena Duces Tecum: Page 9 of 18 2. Copies of all applications and other information generated by Internal Revenue Service principals, and sent to the Office of Management and Budget, to support applications for Office of Management and Budget numbers issued under Paperwork Reduction Act authority (44 U.S.C. § 3501 et seq.) in compliance with regulations at 5 CFR, Part 1320, relating to the family of 1040 information return forms, and OMB numbers assigned to regulations for Internal Revenue Code statutes 6001, 6011, and 6012(a) (disclosure mandated at 5 CFR, Part 1320.14(b)). 3. Certification of statutory and regulatory authority for Internal Revenue Service personnel to directly engage in administrative and/or judicial collection initiatives pertaining to Internal Revenue Code Subtitle A & C taxes in the several States party to the Constitution beyond United States jurisdiction, as defined at 18 U.S.C. § 7(3) (the Treasury Department, not the Department of the Treasury, is stipulated as the Secretary's delegate at I.R.C. §§ 7701(a)(12)(A) & 7805(a)). 4. Certification of disclosure requirements pertaining to the 1040 information return form as mandated by regulation at 5 CFR, Part 1320.8(b). Specifically, the following information should be disclosed: (1) What is the reason specified by regulations for collection of information on the 1040 information return form? (2) How is the information to be used? (3) [Not applicable]. (4) Is response on the 1040 information return form voluntary, necessary to secure a benefit (cite authority), or mandatory (cite authority)? (5) [Not applicable]. (6) Does the 1040 information return form disclose that there is no requirement to fill out an information return form if it does not have a currently valid OMB number? Place certified copies of disclosure documents which comply with OMB regulations cited above into record. Model Application for Subpoena Duces Tecum: Page 10 of 18 5. Provide a certified copy of the delegation of authority from the Secretary of the Treasury to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, via authority vested in the Secretary under E.O. § 11833, which authorizes the Commissioner to execute an Agreement On Coordination of Tax Administration for administration of qualified state, county or city tax, as specified at 5 U.S.C. §§ 5517 & 5520, with officers or agencies of the Union of several States party to the Constitution of the United States. 6. Provide statutory authority which authorizes the Commissioner of Internal Revenue to enter an Agreement On Coordination of Tax Administration, as specified above, where administration authority so authorized applies to people other than Government departments and agencies, as defined at 5 U.S.C. §§ 102 & 105, and definitions at 5 U.S.C. §§ 5517 & 5520, and officers and employees of those agencies, as the term "employee" is defined at I.R.C. § 3401(c ). In other words, if the Commission has authority delegated to enter such agreements with the Governor or Tax Commission of one of the Union states, provide statutory authority which authorizes administrative, judicial and other collection enterprise relating to qualified state, county, or city tax which applies to the general population which might be subject to these taxes exclusive of the "employee" defined at I.R.C. § 3401(c ) and the Federal agencies defined at 5 U.S.C. §§ 5517 & 5520. 7. Provide a certified copy of statutory authority and/or a delegation of authority which authorizes the Commissioner of Internal Revenue and the Internal Revenue Service to engage in collection initiatives vested in the General Accounting Office at 5 U.S.C. § 5512(b). Model Application for Subpoena Duces Tecum: Page 11 of 18 V. Chief Disclosure Officer, Office of Management and Budget A subpoena duces tecum should be issued to the Chief Disclosure Officer for the Office of Management and Budget to produce certified documentation of the following: 1. Documentation of all current OMB numbers for regulations and information-gathering forms issued to Department of the Treasury components, as the term is defined at 31 CFR, Parts 0 & 1. Documentation pertaining to information-gathering forms should at a minimum include disclosure of (1) the current valid number (2) the expiration date, (3) whether or not the form is voluntary, necessary to secure a benefit, or mandatory, (authorities should be cited if the form is necessary to secure or retain a benefit or is mandatory), and (4) what class or category of people is required under mandatory regulations to file 1040 individual income tax return forms. 2. An OMB numerical key which identifies the agency to which OMB numbers are issued, thus disclosing what agency was issued the number appearing on any given information-gathering form. For example, the first four digits in OMB No. 1545-0074 might identify the Internal Revenue Service, where the first four digits in OMB No. 0607-729 might identify the U.S. Department of Commerce. Model Application for Subpoena Duces Tecum: Page 12 of 18 VI. Disclosure Officer, Internal Revenue Service, Arkansas-Oklahoma District A subpoena duces tecum requiring the Chief Disclosure Officer for the Arkansas-Oklahoma District, Internal Revenue Service, should require said officer to supply the following certified documentation: 1. Certify documentation of all days and/or continuous periods of time during which Tracy Foster, an Inspector for the Internal Revenue Service who works in the Arkansas-Oklahoma District, served as a Special Government Employee from January 1, 1995 through March 31, 1997. 2. Provide a certified impression of the District Director of Internal Revenue seal for the Arkansas-Oklahoma District, or Oklahoma District, as specified at 26 CFR, Part 301.7514- 1(a)(2)(ii). Said impression should be certified by signature of the District Director or the District officer duly authorized to affix and endorse said seal. 3. Provide the delegation of authority to the officer charged with custody of the district director's seal for the Arkansas-Oklahoma District, Internal Revenue Service (26 CFR, Part 301.7514-1(b)). Model Application for Subpoena Duces Tecum: Page 13 of 18 VII. Chief Disclosure Officer for the Administrative Office for United States Courts A subpoena duces tecum should be issued requiring the Chief Disclosure Officer for the Administrative Office for United States Courts to produce the following certified documentation into evidence: 1. Provide a certified copy of statutory authority and regulations which authorize Article IV United States District Courts (28 U.S.C. § 132) to exercise judicial powers in the several States party to the Constitution beyond United States jurisdiction, as defined at 18 U.S.C. § 7(3). 2. Provide a certified copy of statutory authority which authorizes the Article IV United States District Court established in the several States party to the Constitution to exercise general criminal prosecution powers even on Federal enclaves located in the several States, the Article IV District Court of the United States (28 U.S.C. § 132), distinguished from district courts of the United States established in the several States, per 28 U.S.C. § 81 et seq. (this mandate is exclusive of 18 U.S.C. § 3401; implementing regulations for the United States Magistrate System are for misdemeanor offenses on United States military installations and lands under Bureau of Land Management jurisdiction). 3. Provide certified copies of general application regulations (must comply with 44 U.S.C. § 1505 requirements) which authorize prosecution of offenses via the United States Magistrate System, accommodated by Article IV United States District Courts located in the several States party to the Constitution, other than petty and misdemeanor offenses on military reservations and installations, and in national parks, etc., under Congress' Article IV § 3.2 legislative jurisdiction (this is exclusive of regulations at 32 CFR, Part 1290.1 & 43 CFR, Part 9260.0-1). Model Application for Subpoena Duces Tecum: Page 14 of 18 VIII. United States Magistrate Judge Sam Joyner A subpoena duces tecum should be issued to United States Magistrate Judge Sam Joyner requiring him to provide (1) a certified impression of the seal supplied to him by the Director of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts under requirements of 28 U.S.C. § 638(c), and certified copies of all entries into his docket book supplied by the Director of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts (28 U.S.C. § 638(a)) relating to UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. DAN LESLIE MEADOR, 96-CR-113-C. IX. United States Magistrate Judge Frank P. McCarthy A subpoena duces tecum should be issued to United States Magistrate Judge Frank P. McCarthy requiring him to (1) provide a certified impression of the seal supplied to him by the Director of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts under requirements of 28 U.S.C. § 638(c), and (2) certified copies of all entries into his docket book supplied by the Director of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts (28 U.S.C. § 638(a)) relating to UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. DAN LESLIE MEADOR, 96-CR-113-C. Model Application for Subpoena Duces Tecum: Page 15 of 18 X. Court Clerk for courts of the United States, Northern District of Oklahoma A subpoena duces tecum should issue to the Court Clerk for courts of the United States for the Northern District of Oklahoma for the following: 1. The Court Clerk should provide an impression or ink- impressed seal of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma, said court being the Article IV court established under authority of 28 U.S.C. § 132. 2. The Court Clerk should provide an impression or ink- impressed seal of the Article III "district court of the United States" for the Northern District of Oklahoma established under authority of 28 U.S.C. § 116(a). 3. The Court Clerk should provide a certified copy of his commission as Clerk of the Article IV United States District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma. 4. The Court Clerk should provide a certified copy of his commission as Clerk of the Article III district court of the United States for the Northern District of Oklahoma. Model Application for Subpoena Duces Tecum: Page 16 of 18 XI. Chairman of the Oklahoma Tax Commission A subpoena duces tecum should issue to the Court Clerk for courts of the United States for the Northern District of Oklahoma for the following: 1. The Chairman of the Oklahoma Tax Commission should be required to provide a certified copy of the Agreement On Coordination of Tax Administration effected between the Tax Commission, or other Administrative office or officer, with the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, which authorizes the Internal Revenue Service to participate in administration of State and Federal tax within the State of Oklahoma. 2. The Chairman of the Oklahoma Tax Commission should be required to provide certified copies of all facilitating agreements for all kinds of tax which pertain to OTC-IRS cooperative administration of taxes. 3. The Chairman of the Oklahoma Tax Commission should be required to provide statutory authority (Oklahoma Statutes) which authorize him to enter an Agreement On Coordination of Tax Administration with the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. 4. The Chairman of the Oklahoma Tax Commission should be required to provide constitutional and statutory authority which permits him to authorize Federal agencies to collect qualified state tax from people other than officers and employees of the United States and United States instrumentalities, and officers of United States corporations, or as any given qualified state tax, as the term is defined, other than within United States jurisdiction, as United States jurisdiction within the Union of several States is defined at 18 U.S.C. § 7(3). 5. The Chairman of the Oklahoma Tax Commission should be required to provide constitutional and statutory authority which authorizes him to enter an Agreement relating to cooperative administration of qualified state tax, as the term is defined at 5 U.S.C. § 5517, which authorizes enforcement through United States Article IV territorial courts (United States District Court, per 28 U.S.C. § 132) for general enforcement of Subtitle F of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended in 1986 and since, throughout Oklahoma, without limitations of United States jurisdiction as defined at 18 U.S.C. § 7(3). 6. The Chairman of the Oklahoma Tax Commission should be required to provide constitutional and statutory authority which authorizes him to administratively enter an Agreement On Coordination of Tax Administration which extends authority of Titles 18 and 28 of the United States Code, and the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended in 1986 and since, throughout the sovereign State of Oklahoma. Model Application for Subpoena Duces Tecum: Page 17 of 18 Conclusion & Prayer For Relief Each item listed above to be secured by Subpoena Duces Tecum rests squarely on a requirement set out in the Constitution of the United States, statutes and regulations of the United States, or the Constitution and laws of Oklahoma, one of the several States party to the Constitution. Each item requested, or the lack of it, will contribute to proving or disproving venue jurisdiction, subject matter jurisdiction, jurisdiction over person, legal standing, application of law, validity or invalidity of Internal Revenue Service initiatives, and authority of various people serving as judicial officers or in offices of the United States Attorney and the United States Department of Justice. Plaintiff hereby certifies, under penalties of perjury under laws of the United States of America, without the United States (28 U.S.C. § 1746(1)), that to the best of my current knowledge, understanding and belief, all matters of law and fact set forth herein are accurate and true, so help me God. /s/ Dan Meador ___________________________________ ___________________________ Dan Meador Date P.O. Box 2582 Ponca City 74602/tdc OKLAHOMA STATE tel: (405) 765-1415 fax: (405) 765-1146 Model Application for Subpoena Duces Tecum: Page 18 of 18 # # #
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