State of Oklahoma, District Court, for the County of Kay

Alice Citizen, Petitioner

                       NOTICE OF CONTRACT

Honorable Special Judge Will B. Reversed
Case # CS-0000-PC


   (Oklahoma Constitution, Article XV § 1), "So help me God."

Petitioner Alice  Citizen  swears  to  tell  the  truth  and  has
firsthand knowledge of the facts.


Subscribed and Sworn to before me this _____ day of June, 1996.

Alice Citizen
P.O. Box 000
Ponca City 74602/tdc

Notary Public, State of Oklahoma

My commission expires ________________

1.   Plaintiff  reserves  all  rights  secured  by  the  Oklahoma
     Constitution and the Constitution for the United States;

2.   This "Contract"  is in  good faith  and with no bad faith to
     the Court.

3.   This "Contract Notice" is timely and not meant for delay.

4.   By giving my name, "Alice Citizen", to this Court, the Court
     agrees to  honor  all  Oklahoma  Constitutional  Rights  and
     United States  Constitutional Rights  of Alice  Citizen, and
     all parties to this action.

            Contract to Uphold Constitutional Rights:
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5.   The Honorable Will B. Reversed, Special Judge for the Eighth
     Judicial District,  Kay County, Oklahoma, states as follows:
     By my  signature and  word I  do solemnly swear and agree to
     support the  Oklahoma Constitution  and the Constitution for
     the United  States of  America, and  that I  as an  Oklahoma
     Public Servant  have taken the Constitutional Oath of office
     prescribed at  Article XV  § 1 of the Oklahoma Constitution,
     and that  I am cognizant that the rule governing conflict of
     law, specifically  set out  at 75 O.S. § 12, determines that
     original acts  will in  all cases  prevail when  in conflict
     with adopted  uniform acts,  that all  "existing rights  and
     remedies" under  constitutional and common law indigenous to
     the Oklahoma  republic are  preserved at  75 O.S. § 178, and
     that I  am bound  by my  Constitutional Oath, antecedent and
     superior to my statutory Loyalty Oath which accommodates the
     de facto federal State of Oklahoma;

6.   Further, I,  Will B.  Reversed, Special Judge for the Eighth
     Judicial  District,   Kay  County,   Oklahoma,  endorse   my
     Constitutional Oath  and will  abide by  said oath to uphold
     all  existing   rights  and   remedies  of   Alice  Citizen,
     particularly as secured by the Oklahoma Constitution and the
     Constitution for the United States of America;

7.   Additionally, I,  Will B.  Reversed, Special  Judge for  the
     Eighth Judicial  District, Kay  County, Oklahoma, understand
     that if  I fail  to personally  endorse this contract within
     five days  of receipt, and return a copy to the Plaintiff by
     United States  Postal Service  via  first  class  mail,  the
     Plaintiff may construe that I am knowingly and intentionally
     defaulting my Constitutional Oath, and am thereby expressing
     the intent  to proceed in the above-referenced action in the
     capacity of  a magistrate  rather than a true officer of the
     independent judicial  branch of  government,  and  that  the
     Court, operating  in derogation  of common law, will proceed
     in admiralty to accommodate private international law, or in
     the  alternative,  will  function  as  a  vice-admiralty  or
     administrative law  court in  which Alice  Citizen  will  be
     presumed to  be an  employee of  the United States or one of
     its political  subdivisions subject  to Congress' Article IV
     legislative jurisdiction;

8.   Finally, I,  Will B.  Reversed, Special Judge for the Eighth
     Judicial District,  Kay  County,  Oklahoma,  stipulate  that
     failure to endorse this contract to perform duties of office
     within  the   framework  of  my  Constitutional  Oath,  thus
     preserving Alice  Citizen's constitutionally assured rights,
     shall be  construed as perjury of oath, under Article XV § 2
     of the  Oklahoma Constitution,  and attending  statutes, and
     that the  Plaintiff may  seek civil and/or criminal remedies
     via Title  42 of  the United  States Code, Sec. 1986, for my
     having knowledge of the law yet failing to correct or stop a
     wrong, under  42 U.S.C.  § 1985,  for conspiring  with other
     officers of the Court to injure Plaintiff's rights, under 42
     U.S.C.  §   1983,  for   injury  to   Alice  Citizen's  U.S.
     Constitutional Rights,  and  in  criminal  forum,  attending
     provisions of  Title 18 of the United States Code, or in the
     alternative, Alice  Citizen may seek corresponding remedies,
     as the  law provides, in the framework of constitutional and
     common law  indigenous to  the Oklahoma republic, one of the
     several States  party to  the Constitution  for  the  United
     States of America.

            Contract to Uphold Constitutional Rights:
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________________________________   ______________________________

Will B. Reversed, Special Judge                              Date
Kay County, Eighth Judicial District
State of Oklahoma
Kay County Courthouse
Newkirk 74647/tdc

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