In the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals Sitting as an Article III court of the United States Dan Leslie, Meador, and ) Case No. _____________________ ) ) Application for Writ ) of Habeas Corpus Wayne Richard, Gunwall, ) AUTHORITY: ) Art. I § 9.2; Art. III § 2.1 ) "arising under" clause; ) First Amendment; Plaintiffs, ) Fourth Amendment; ) Fifth Amendment; ) Sixth Amendment; ) Seventh Amendment; v. ) Tenth Amendment; ) Rule of Necessity. ) ACTION AGAINST: 96-CR-82-C & Stephen C. Lewis, ) 96-CR-113-C, ) United States District Court, ) Northern District of Oklahoma. Defendant. ) ______________________________) Supplemental Pleading Application for Writ of Habeas Corpus Now comes Dan Leslie Meador, as and for himself and his next friend, Wayne Richard, Gunwall, to enter this supplemental pleading and attending exhibits in support of Plaintiffs' original Application for Writ of Habeas Corpus. The reason for addition is that evidence supporting this supplemental pleading was not secured until Friday, May 16, 1997, at a time which was too late to construct the pleading and get in the mail on Friday or Saturday of the week immediately past. The exhibits are as follows: A cover letter to Plaintiff from David K. Smith, the State-Federal Coordinator for the Oklahoma Tax Commission, a true and correct copy of the Agreement on Coordination of Tax Administration executed in 1982-83 between a former commissioner of the Oklahoma Tax Commission and a former Dan Leslie, Meador, et al. v. Stephen C. Lewis: Page 1 of 7 Commissioner of Internal Revenue, and a response letter from Plaintiff to Robert E. Anderson, chairman of the Oklahoma Tax Commission. I, Dan Meador, attest herewith that all three of these documents are true and correct copies of originals - the Agreement on Coordination of Tax Administration is certified by a Ms. Stewart, an assistant secretary of the Oklahoma Tax Commission. Plaintiffs herewith adopt all averments pertaining to law and fact set forth in the May 17, 1997, letter from Dan Meador to Chairman Anderson, and hereby incorporate these matters into this pleading. Plaintiffs allege and believe the Agreement on Coordination of Tax Administration was executed without authorization under State of Oklahoma law and without authorization of laws of the United States as both authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to enter such agreements, not the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, and there is no authority for the Secretary of the Treasury to delegate this authority to the Commissioner in the geographical United States. Further, statutes in Title 5 of the United States Code make it perfectly clear that these agreements, when properly executed, apply only to Federal officers and employees liable for tax prescribed in Subtitles A & C of the Internal Revenue Code, with Treasury Department (General Accounting Office) administration and enforcement authority being limited to Federal agencies, as defined at 5 U.S.C. §§ 5517 & 5520, there is no grant of Federal authority to administer state qualified taxes beyond Federal jurisdiction and as such taxes might apply to people other than Federal employees. Dan Leslie, Meador, et al. v. Stephen C. Lewis: Page 2 of 7 Plaintiffs reiterate that the Internal Revenue Service is not an agency of the United States Department of the Treasury (31 U.S.C. §§ 301-310), but as successor of the Bureau of Internal Revenue, is an agency of the Department of the Treasury, Puerto Rico, with authority only in United States off-shore territories (Puerto Rico, Guam & American Samoa; see Internal Revenue Code § 7701(a)(12)(B)), and that the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, originally in the Treasury Department when created via Act of 1862, is now an office in the Department of the Treasury (I.R.C. § 7802), but not the United States Department of the Treasury (31 U.S.C. §§ 301-310), who has authority only in United States maritime and territorial jurisdiction (T.D.O. No. 150-42 (1953), as amended by T.D.O. No. 150-01 (1986)), under authority of Executive Order No. 10289 (see 26 CFR, Part 301.7621-1). Plaintiffs allege that this Order is not applicable to the Union of several States party to the Constitution of the United States, nor does it convey authority relating to I.R.C. Subtitle A & C taxing authority. Rather, when and if the Secretary of the Treasury enters agreements to collect qualified state, city, or county tax for Federal States subject to Congress Article IV § 3.2 legislative jurisdiction (District of Columbia), the agreements must be executed under authority of the present E.O. No. 11997, which clearly specifies administration and enforcement on the Federal side without suggestion of extending United States Government authority to people other than those who are otherwise obligated to Subtitle A & C taxes. Dan Leslie, Meador, et al. v. Stephen C. Lewis: Page 3 of 7 Further, the Agreement on Coordination of Tax Administration and attending regulations in 26 CFR, Part 301 in particular would appear to impose Subtitle F collection and enforcement authority when in fact Subtitle F of the Internal Revenue Code is not effective as law until Title 26 of the United States Code is enacted as positive law, which it hasn't been (I.R.C. §§ 7851(a)(6)(A) & 7806(a)). Therefore, matters at hand have been effected and prosecuted under completely bogus authority as Congress has not enacted Title 26 of the United States Code into positive law, and the Legislature of the State of Oklahoma has not enacted Subtitle F of the Internal Revenue Code as positive law in the State of Oklahoma. Plaintiffs also allege that the Article IV United States District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma cannot unilaterally expand Federal jurisdiction within the State of Oklahoma or any of the other Union states party to the Constitution without securing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States which expands jurisdiction beyond that prescribed at 18 U.S.C. § 7(3), where jurisdiction is secured in compliance with 40 U.S.C. § 255 and corresponding State cession laws (80 O.S. §§ 1, 2 & 3), nor can the Federal Law Enforcement Community exercise general police powers in the sovereign State of Oklahoma. Further, Plaintiffs allege that statutory authority for enforcement of agreements such as the O.T.C.-C.I.R. Agreement on Coordination of Tax Administration, when properly executed, is vested in the Solicitor of the Treasury, now designated as the Attorney General, and that such execution must be carried out in Dan Leslie, Meador, et al. v. Stephen C. Lewis: Page 4 of 7 conjunction with the General Accounting Office, not the United States Department of the Treasury, an executive department, the Department of the Treasury, Puerto Rico, or the Internal Revenue Service, a/k/a Bureau of Internal Revenue, Puerto Rico. Plaintiffs herewith adopt and bring forward all matters presented in their original Application for Writ of Habeas Corpus. Plaintiffs respectfully request that judicial officers of the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals issue a Writ of Habeas Corpus to the United States Attorney for the Northern District of Oklahoma demanding that he produce authority to bring causes on the part of the Internal Revenue Service, an agency of the Department of the Treasury, Puerto Rico, and show any offense which was committed in United States maritime and off-shore territorial jurisdiction which might be subject to Internal Revenue Service authority and legitimate sphere of operation as an agency delegated authority on behalf of the "United States of America", the "Central Authority", or the "Competent Authority". Plaintiffs hereby certify by our respective signatures that all matters of law and fact set forth herein are to the best of our current knowledge, understanding and belief accurate and true, so help us God. /s/ Dan Leslie Meador __________________________________ ____________________________ Dan Leslie, Meador Date P.O. Box 2582 Ponca City 74602/tdc OKLAHOMA STATE tel: (405) 765-1415 fax: (405) 765-1146 [Mr. Gunwall's signature withheld; see note above.] __________________________________ ____________________________ Wayne Richard, Gunwall Date 409 East Detroit Ponca City 74602/tdc OKLAHOMA STATE Dan Leslie, Meador, et al. v. Stephen C. Lewis: Page 5 of 7 List of Exhibits 1. May 16, 1997 letter from David K. Smith, Oklahoma Tax Commission, to Dan Meador. 2. Agreement on Coordination of Tax Administration executed 1982-83 by an Oklahoma Tax Commission commissioner and a former Commissioner of Internal Revenue. 3. May 17, 1997 letter from Dan Meador to Robert E. Anderson, current chairman of the Oklahoma Tax Commission. Dan Leslie, Meador, et al. v. Stephen C. Lewis: Page 6 of 7 Certification of Service I certify that a true and correct copy of this pleading is being sent via certified mail, return receipt requested, with sufficient postage paid to assure delivery, to the office of the United States Attorney at the following address: Stephen C. Lewis, United States Attorney Northern District of Oklahoma 333 West Fourth Street Tulsa 74103/tdc OKLAHOMA STATE H. Dale Cook, Senior Magistrate Judge c/o Court Clerk United States District Court Northern District of Oklahoma 333 West Fourth Street Tulsa 74103/tdc OKLAHOMA STATE /s/ Dan Leslie Meador __________________________________ ____________________________ Dan Leslie, Meador Date P.O. Box 2582 Ponca City 74602/tdc OKLAHOMA STATE tel: (405) 765-1415 fax: (405) 765-1146 Dan Leslie, Meador, et al. v. Stephen C. Lewis: Page 7 of 7 # # #
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