May 19, 1997

Bill LaFortune
District Attorney
406 Tulsa County Courthouse
500 S. Denver Ave.
Tulsa 74103/tdc

Re:  Criminal Complaints

Dear Mr. LaFortune:

     Enclosed your  will find  an affidavit of criminal complaint
to be  filed with your office against several people who serve in
the  Federal  system,  an  inspector  for  the  Internal  Revenue
Service, and several "John & Jane Doe" defendants.

     Presently I'm  not concerned  about  the  John  &  Jane  Doe
defendants,  but   would  like   for  you   to  begin   a  sealed
investigation, notify  named defendants that complaints have been
filed,  and   secure  information   requested  in  the  suggested
subpoenas duces  tecum.   If we  can work together to that extend
for the  present, the  larger picture  will take shape as we move
into the case.

     Of particular  significance, one  of the enclosures you will
find includes  a  copy  of  an  agreement  effected  between  the
Oklahoma Tax  Commission and the Commissioner of Internal Revenue
in 1982-83,  with my  letter to  the chairman of the Oklahoma Tax
Commission,  Commissioner  Anderson.    Probably  the  letter  to
Commissioner Anderson  will provide you the best grounding so far
as understanding  appropriate application  of  taxing  authority,
administration, etc.   I composed this letter of complaint a week
or so  ago, then  stumbled across  "qualified state  income  tax"
regulations that  turned on  the light  so far  as seeing how the
whole diabolical  scheme works.  Early Friday morning, May 16, my
wife and  I drove  to the  Capitol where we secured a copy of the
administrative agreement from the Oklahoma Tax Commission.

     In addition  to individual  complaints being filed with your
office, I  am filing  a complaint  against the  Internal  Revenue
Service,  officers  of  the  various  Article  IV  United  States
District Courts,  etc., with the Oklahoma Attorney General, W. A.
Drew Edmondson,  for more  general prosecution under the Oklahoma
Corrupt Organization  Act.  I will also file complaints via Janet
Reno,  the  United  States  Attorney  General,  under  the  Anti-
Terrorist Act, with the demand for a special prosecutor.

     I am  fully aware of the politics involved, so the letter to
Commissioner  Anderson   and  the  OTC-Commissioner  of  Internal
Revenue agreement  will be  generally distributed to the Oklahoma
Legislature with  an appropriate  cover letter.   There will be a
state-by-state initiative  following Oklahoma's lead as people in
other states  secure  copies  of  agreements  executed  in  their
respective states and unravel state law, so Oklahoma isn't alone,
nor will your efforts be in isolation.

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     Since we  haven't met, and I have no idea what your personal
principles and  ideology might be, I assure you that I understand
your situation  so far  as the  office of  district  attorney  is
concerned.   The statutory office of district attorney is pivotal
so far  as operation  of a  de facto scheme known as "Cooperative
Federalism" --  the office  is construed as an instrumentality of
the corporate State operating as a Federal instrumentality.  Huge
chunks of  your funding  come through  Federal grants and various
incentive programs.

     Up through  the 1930's,  what today  is known as Cooperative
Federalism,   sometimes   simply   Federalism,   was   known   as
Corporatism.   One of  the contributing schools of thought behind
the scheme  was  labeled  Fabian  Communism,  which  was  greatly
influential in  the Franklin Roosevelt New Deal takeover that set
about reorganizing State and Federal government in such a fashion
as  to   effectively  over-throw   State  sovereignty,  and  more
importantly, sovereignty  of the  American people.   Rather  than
functioning as  50 semi-independent  republics  subject  only  to
Congress'  constitutionally   delegated  authority,  the  several
States accepted  a Federal  "umbrella" which  has the  effect  of
making the nation more as a seamless garment.  The whole business
was choreographed years in advance -- prior to being inaugurated,
Roosevelt met  with governors  of the  several States and secured
cooperation pledges.   Special  sessions of State legislatures in
summer 1933  (Oklahoma, from  late May  well into July 1933) laid
important  planks   for  Federal   takeover.     Then  in   1935,
representatives  of   Federal,  State,   county   and   municipal
governments  convened   in  Denver,   signing  the   compact   of
intergovernmental dependency.

     You will  find an  abstract view of this history through The
Book of  the States,  which appears  to have  published first  in
1935.   It is  published in  even years  by The  Council of State
Governments, headquartered  in Lexington,  Kentucky  --  my  wife
bought the 1990-91 edition for a quarter at the annual Ponca City
Library old  book sale  a year  or so ago.  If memory serves, the
OSU  library   probably  has  the  whole  set,  as  most  federal
depository libraries will have.

     The motive,  of course,  is money.   Or  more important than
money, as  such, consolidation  of resources and political power.
You  deal   with  the   ensuing  problems   every  day.     Since
approximately 1973, consolidation of assets has undermined middle
and upper  middle income  classes, taking  us from  55% in  those
classes at about the time of the first Arab Oil Embargo, to about
40% today, while low income and poor classes went from 35% in the
early seventies to over 50% by 1990.  Under 14% of the population
is postured to prosper in this environment, but the real windfall
goes to  a small  group of  under 1%  of the  population  --  the
wealthiest 1%  had about  22% of  total national  assets in 1972,
approximately 38%  in 1990.   In  the  decade  of  the  eighties,
America's population of hyper-poor, living at half or less of the
official Federal poverty level, more than doubled.

        Dan Meador's Letter to County District Attorney:
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     I'm  not   dreaming  those  figures  up.    They  come  from
authorities such  as the  Census Bureau,  the  Southwestern  Bell
econometrics model,  A. Gary  Shilling, ranked  the top  economic
forecaster through  the 1970's and 1980's, etc.  And as the Grace
Commission report  forecast (Aug. 1980), there is no end in sight
for compounding  private and  government debt; the mathematically
impossible Cooperative  Federalism scheme  must, absolutely must,
collapse in what is certain to be an epochal great depression.

     Since 1982,  Government has  been the only consistent growth
industry in  Oklahoma and  other interior,  predominantly natural
resource states  -- rural  poverty is  an atrocity, and the urban
ghetto, in all metropolitan centers, spreads like cancer.

     In the  meantime, the  mathematically impossible Cooperative
Federalism formula, premised on ever-increasing, interest-bearing
debt, has  undermined national  as well  as state sovereignty and
solvency.  Oklahoma now ranks about 47th on the per-capita income
list, and  I don't  have to  look at  current  crime  statistics,
illegitimate pregnancies,  the school  dropout rate,  et al.,  to
know they're  rampant.   You see the effects and know the figures
better than  I do,  so I'm  probably not telling you anything you
don't already know.

     As European  Communism and Socialism, Cooperative Federalism
is somewhat like a star headed for nova -- as it reaches critical
mass, which will probably be brought about by some glitch such as
another derivatives  whip-lash or  a couple of the Latin American
nations finally  repudiating sovereign debt, the magnitude of the
meltdown should  dwarf the  Crash of 1929 -- the stage is set for
anarchy or absolute tyranny.

     I don't  care for  the prospect  of either.  There must be a
way to  restore constitutional government, and correct the insane
economic scheme,  peacefully.   We have  the same motive American
Founders  did   in  1787  --  they  convened  the  Constitutional
Convention because  of pending economic disaster.  But the effort
will require  cooperation from  people  who  presently  serve  in
public office coupled with private sector initiative.  You cannot
do it alone; we cannot do it alone without open rebellion.  There
must be  leadership both  inside and outside of government if the
objective of restoring constitutional rule is to be achieved.

     The Internal  Revenue Service,  loved by nearly everyone, is
the Cooperative Federalism Achilles heel.

     IRS is  an agency  of the Department of the Treasury, Puerto
Rico, not  the United  States Department  of the Treasury -- read
the section  in the enclosed brief then look at 31 U.S.C. §§ 301-
310 to  see that  IRS and  BATF are  not agencies  of the  United
States Department  of the  Treasury.   Verify that  the  Internal
Revenue Code  vests authority in the Treasury Department, not the
Department  of  the  Treasury  (26  U.S.C.  §§  7701(a)(12)(A)  &
7805(a)).     IRS  operates   on  contract   to  provide  systems
development  and  maintenance  and  record-keeping  services  for
United States Government, either through the Treasury Department,
the United  States Department  of the  Treasury, or  the  Federal

        Dan Meador's Letter to County District Attorney:
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Reserve as fiscal agent for the United States.  That's one of the
matters to  be resolved via the enclosed application for subpoena
duces tecum.   I  presently have  a Freedom  of  Information  Act
request in to secure a copy of the master contract, or contracts,
but am  presently being  stonewalled.   Catching  people  at  the
Oklahoma Tax  Commission flat-footed to secure a copy of the OTC-
Commissioner of  Internal Revenue Service agreement amounted to a
surprise coup de grace.

     Contracts with State tax commissions are more important than
whatever contract  IRS has  with the  Treasury Department.  Where
subtitle F  of the  Internal  Revenue  Code  (administrative  and
judicial) is  not effective  until Title  26 of the United States
Code is  enacted as positive law (see 26 U.S.C. §§7851(a)(6)(A) &
7806(b)), the  several States  have adopted  Subtitle  F  of  the
Internal Revenue  Code by  contract -- see 26 CFR, Part 31.6361-1
and related  regulations.   It's a  hoax -- the United States may
exercise only  powers delegated by the Constitution, and officers
of the  several States cannot accommodate a Federal power without
first securing  a Constitutional  amendment (Tenth Amendment, New
York v. United States, et al. (1992)).

     The lengthy  brief outlining  particulars is basically a re-
statement of law and regulations at issue.  If you care to have a
copy, I  have a 100-page brief that is somewhat more readable and
provides a better historical accounting.  The way the current tax
system evolved  is more  bizarre  than  stories  science  fiction
writers dream up.

     After  the  Spanish-American  War,  we  set  up  provisional
governments in  the Philippines,  Puerto Rico,  etc., principally
under Navy  supervision.   When the  China Trade Act was enacted,
governing  trade   in   opium,   cocaine,   and   citric   wines,
administration and  enforcement of  the Act were put is charge of
provisional governments in the Philippines and Puerto Rico.  Each
established a  Bureau of Internal Revenue -- the Secretary of the
Treasury still  administers the  three trusts,  Philippines Trust
#1, Philippines  Trust #2  (internal revenue) & Puerto Rico Trust
#62 (Internal  Revenue).   You can  find them  listed with  other
trusts at  31 U.S.C.  § 1321.   In  1938, the China Trade Act was
repealed, but  the two BIR entities continued administering other
treaty provisions  relating to narcotics, distilled spirits, etc.
In 1946,  the Philippines  became  an  independent  commonwealth,
leaving Puerto  Rico as  the surviving  off-shore  United  States
possession with a known Bureau of Internal Revenue.

     The second  line was through prohibition, effected under the
Eighteenth Amendment  (1919).    The  Amendment  gave  State  and
Federal authorities  concurrent jurisdiction  for enforcement  of
State  and  Federal  liquor  laws.    However,  the  Twenty-first
Amendment (Dec.  1933) (1)  permitted each State to determine its
own liquor  laws, and  (2) terminated Federal jurisdiction so far
as the  several States  are concerned.    The  United  States  v.
Constantine decision (Dec. 1935) ended Federal administration and
enforcement  authority   in  the  several  States  party  to  the

        Dan Meador's Letter to County District Attorney:
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     The   Constantine   decision   was   issued   against   1926
legislation.   In  summer  1935,  Congress  enacted  the  Federal
Alcohol Administration  Act, and  replaced the  previous  Federal
enforcement  agency  with  the  Federal  Alcohol  Administration.
However, because of the Constantine decision, the Federal Alcohol
Administration never  got off the ground, then via Reorganization
Plan  #III   of  1940,   functions   of   the   Federal   Alcohol
Administration Act  were placed  under  the  Bureau  of  Internal
Revenue, and the Federal Alcohol Administration was abolished.

     Now the  third line: Approximately simultaneous with alleged
ratification  of   the  Sixteenth   Amendment  (1913),   Congress
implemented the  corporate income tax, drafted in 1909.  However,
about half  a dozen  adverse decisions from 1915 through 1920 did
the tax  serious injury,  so via the Internal Revenue Act of Nov.
23, 1921,  the original  corporate  income  tax  and  most  other
legitimate excise  taxes were  repealed.   What survived  was the
"normal tax",  which issued against pay of officers and employees
of the  United States, including the President, Congress, Federal
judges, et  al.  Judges kicked up about that, too, so the problem
was  finally   solved  in   the  1930's  by  making  appointments
contingent to candidates signing contracts agreeing to pay income
and other  Federal taxes.  When excise taxes and other taxes that
would have  been legitimate  under Congress'  Article I delegated
authority were  put back  in place,  they  were  under  Congress'
Article IV § 3.2 authority in the geographical United States, not
under Article  I delegated  authority.   Under Article  IV § 3.2,
Congress has  the combined  power of State and Federal government
in United States territories and insular possessions.

     The Federal  salary tax  might have been implemented in 1918
-- I  don't know  precisely when  it crept  in.   At any rate, it
became known as the "income tax" by the time of the Public Salary
Tax Act  of 1939, which was codified in the Internal Revenue Code
of 1939.   The  Internal Revenue  Code of  1939 was  revised  via
Reorganization Plan  #26 of  1950 and  Reorganization Plan  #1 of
1952, implemented as the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (Vol. 68A,
Statutes at Large), as amended in 1986 and since.

     The  most   significant  "reorganization"   was  to   remove
administration of  Subtitle A  & C taxing authority from Treasury
Department  revenue  officers  appointed  in  each  Congressional
district to  alleged administration  by IRS.   The name Bureau of
Internal Revenue  was changed  to Internal  Revenue  Service  via
T.D.O. §  150-29 (1953).   The  Bureau of  Alcohol,  Tobacco  and
Firearms was split from IRS via T.D.O. § 221 (1972).

     If you  will look at 27 CFR, Part 1, you will find that BATF
still administers  the Federal  Alcohol Administration Act, moved
off-shore to  Puerto Rico  via Reorganization  Plan #III of 1940,
and if  you will  consult definitions at 27 CFR, Part 250.11, you
will see  the solid link between IRS, BATF, and the Department of
the Treasury, Puerto Rico.

        Dan Meador's Letter to County District Attorney:
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     Another interesting  quirk:  The  original  Commissioner  of
Internal Revenue was created by the Revenue Act of 1862.  Abraham
Lincoln and his group seem to have invented the "Federal kickback
tax" -  3% of  government-derived income  (wages) over  $600  per
year.  However, the unpopular tax was abandoned shortly after the
Civil War,  and  the  office  of  the  Commissioner  of  Internal
Revenue, created  in the  United States  Treasury Department, was
effectively abolished  via the  Revised Statutes of 1873.  If you
will consult  26 U.S.C.  § 7802,  you will  find that the present
"Commissioner of  Internal Revenue"  is in  the Department of the
Treasury, not the Treasury Department, and that the office is not
in the  United States  Department of  the Treasury  (31 U.S.C. §§

     Consult 26  U.S.C. § 3401(c ) to confirm that the "employee"
is an  officer or employee of the United States and its political
subdivisions, and officers of Government-controlled corporations,
and §  3401(d) to  confirm that  the definition  of "employer" is
simply the  employer of  the employee  previously defined.   It's
still the "normal tax" of 1921.  Income and Social Security taxes
have never applied to the general population.  In fact, no taxing
statute in the Internal Revenue Code reaches the Union of several
States and  the population  at  large.    Congress  moved  almost
totally under  Article IV  § 3.2  legislative jurisdiction in the
geographical  United  States,  which  includes  the  District  of
Columbia, Puerto  Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa,
etc. -- see definitions at 26 CFR, Part 31.3121(e)-1.

     Interesting, isn't  it? Far  and away the best shell game in
town.     But  it  isn't  a  game.    It's  treason  against  the
Constitution  of   the  United   States,  the   Constitution  and
sovereignty of the State of Oklahoma, and the sovereign people of
this nation -- against my children and grandchildren and yours as
well.   Tyranny has no friends.  You cannot scale the ladder high
enough to assure your heirs safe harbor.

     These are quite literally times that try men's souls, but in
the constitutional  republic, if  we had  such a  thing,  tyranny
never stands  on one leg - there must be a perpetrator by intent,
and a  perpetrator by  consent.   We can  deal with those who are
blatantly and  manifestly evil,  it's benign  evil that  destroys
nations and  empires.   Read Paul Tillach, Martin Buber and other
post-war commentaries  by  German  Protestant  theologians;  read
transcripts of  the Nuremberg Trials.  Hitler and his Nazi hoards
first subdued  and destroyed the German people because supposedly
good, moral  people failed  to answer  the call.   The end of it,
because they yielded, was possibly the bloodiest war in history.

     One of  the definitions  of insanity is doing the same thing
the same  way time and again expecting a different result.  If we
capitulate to  tyranny, permitting  ourselves to be joined to it,
we are  destined for history repeat itself -- Oswald Spengler, in
Decline of  the West  (1936), warned that 19 of 21 known historic
empires were  destroyed from  within due  to moral  decay.  Sixty
years after Spengler's warning, tribulation stands at the door.

     I realize  you can't  jump into this mess by yourself.  Your
professional corpse would be buried somewhere on a forgotten hill
in an  unmarked grave.   So  there must  be a  plan of  action --
cooperation to  accomplish a common end.  I'm prepared to provide
support you need.

        Dan Meador's Letter to County District Attorney:
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     If you  will secure documentation I seek via the application
for subpoenas  duces tecum,  I will take it to public hearings in
political forum  under authority  of Article  II §§  1 & 3 of the
Oklahoma  Constitution,   and  the   First   Amendment   of   the
Constitution of the United States.  We will seat a representative
panel by  congressional district  to consider  evidence and issue
mandates to public servants.

     Lest you  think we  will fall  down  on  our  end,  consider
current public  temperament: Every  legitimate survey  since 1990
has  reflected   a  60%   discontent  level  --  people  distrust
politicians and  political institutions  down  to  and  including
local school  boards.   By fall 1995, the discontent level was at
73%, and  by May  1996, at  80%.   In November,  only 49%  of the
registered voters bothered voting, and the sad part of that, only
35-40% of those eligible are even registered to vote.  Few if any
politicians elected  in November  represent as much as 15% of the
eligible voters  in their  respective districts.  In fact, just a
month or so ago, a radio announcer said politicians have a reason
to cheer  -- confidence increased 7% in the first months of 1997.
The bad news -- it's up to 22% from a low of 15%.

     Forgive duplication  of the  historical account between this
letter and  that to  Commissioner Anderson.   I  constructed this
letter last  week, intending  to get  it in  the mail before now,
then received  information from  the  Office  of  Management  and
Budget relating  to OMB  numbers for  IRS forms  and regulations,
then on  Thursday figured  out that  the contract between OTC and
IRS had to exist -- Friday we secured a copy of the agreement and
it has  taken most  of the  weekend to  reconstruct the tax fraud
scheme with this new piece of evidence as a centerpiece.

     Thank you in advance for your assistance with this matter.


/s/ Dan Meador

Dan Meador

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